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Through this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, TUUINX, domiciled at Avenida Rosalía de Castro, nº14, 3ºD, O Milladoiro, informs the Users of the website it owns (hereinafter TUUINX) about the conditions of use of the Website. , as well as its privacy policy and protection of personal data, so that Users determine freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the personal data that may be requested, on the occasion of the services offered by TUUINX, through this half.

  1. Owner of the website: TUUINX

      1. Registered office: Avenida Rosalía de Castro, Nº14, 3ºD

  2. NIF: X9435219K

  3. Email address:

II. Terms of use

Access to the website is the sole responsibility of the user and implies knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

The User undertakes not to use this website for fraudulent purposes, as well as not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of TUUINX in case of breach by the User of the conditions of use. of this website, or of reasonable suspicion on the part of the company that the User is breaching them, TUUINX reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to the website, adopting any technical measure necessary for that purpose.

III. Social networks

The user who becomes a follower or analogue of TUUINX on the different social networks is subject to compliance with these conditions and those established by the Social Network, so we recommend that you consult the Privacy Policy before creating a profile. The access and use that the user makes of the TUUINX profile in the different social networks is the responsibility of the user, who must take into account in any case that the published data, comments, profile name and, where appropriate, the photograph that have in it may be accessible to other followers or members.

The profiles created by TUUINX in the different social networks are aimed at people of legal age, in the event that minors or incapable access to any of these profiles must be in the company of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all the acts performed by them. The data that users of the social network make available to TUUINX will become part of a file under its responsibility and will be used in accordance with current regulations on data protection and these conditions.

Regarding the exercise of rights, the user must consult the configuration of their profile or exercise them before the social network itself. TUUINX can only consult or cancel the data in a restricted way by having a specific profile. For any exercise of rights against TUUINX, you can exercise it by sending a letter to (TUUINX), providing a photocopy of the DNI or alternative documentation that proves your identity.

IV. minors

Our services are aimed at people of legal age, in the event that minors or incapable access this page must refrain from contracting any product. In the event that a service is contracted by a minor or incapable, it will be the responsibility of the elders in whose charge they are, being responsible for all acts carried out by the minor or incapable.

Parents, guardians or legal representatives are obliged to control and restrict access to Web pages whose access they consider inappropriate.


V. Intellectual Property

The content of the Website is an original work and protected by Intellectual Property Law with all rights reserved for TUUINX, not allowing reproduction or transmission in any way or by any means of part or all of the content of the material on this Website, including without limitation, contracts, text, graphics, design code, without prior authorization from the author. At no time may the source code be copied, modified or decompiled by reverse engineering or any other equivalent technique.

All the logos and brands on this page are registered as trademarks in the corresponding public registries, thus having the benefit of public registry faith in the event of any type of controversy in this regard.

Logos other than TUUINX that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, being in any case themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. The placement of these on the website has been in any case, prior communication and acceptance by them.

The design of the Website is the property of TUUINX from its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, therefore, the express written authorization of TUUINX will be necessary for its partial or total reproduction, as well as for exploitation, distribution and marketing in general.

Claims that may be filed by Users in relation to possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights over any of the Contents of this Website should be addressed to the following email address:

SAW. Knowledge of Illegal Conduct

In the event that any User or a third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the use of any Content and/or the performance of any activity on the Web page, and that could constitute a violation of rights of intellectual or industrial property or other rights, you have the obligation to send a notification containing the following information:

Name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant.

Specification of the alleged illegal activity carried out on the Portal and, in particular, in the case of an alleged violation of rights, precise and specific indication of the protected content, as well as its location on the Web pages.

Facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of said activity.

In the event of violation of rights, handwritten signature or equivalent, with the personal data of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed or of the person authorized to act on behalf of the latter.

Express, clear declaration and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and of the illegal nature of the use of the contents or the performance of the activities described.

In this sense, all the Notifications that TUUINX makes to the User will be considered validly made if they have been made using the data provided by him and through the aforementioned means. For these purposes, the User declares that all the information provided by him is true and correct, and undertakes to notify TUUINX of all changes related to the notification data.

VII. final provisions

TUUINX reserves the right to amend this Policy. Amendments are made through the publication of a new Policy on the website. Amendments will become effective upon implementation. Users are encouraged to periodically familiarize themselves with the text of this Policy in order to be aware of its amendments and provisions.

The use of this web page implies the acceptance of this Policy. If the User does not accept it, TUUINX will not be able to allow access to its services and the use of its services must cease immediately.

Any dispute regarding this Policy, if not resolved amicably, will be resolved in the court of competent jurisdiction.

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